Top 5 uses and benefits of vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E is an awesome magic oil which works wonders in your daily skin and hair care routines.

This oil helps to block free radicals from the body, which play a large part in the ageing process such as reducing wrinkles, fine lines and keep the skin youthful glow. 

It also an anti-inflammatory, so it calms and hydrates sensitive skin.

Vitamin E oil is available in the form of capsules (Evon-400). 

These capsules are highly concentrated, so the consistency of this oil is very dense and sticky. 

This oil can be applied directly to your skin and hair or can be mixed with any type of carrier oil, hair oil, body lotion, moisturizer or even with your essential oils for better results.

 These capsules are very affordable and easily available in your local drugstores.

 Here, I'm going to share some of the effective ways to make use of this oil in your daily skin and hair care routine.

1. To fade away the dark circles:


  • 1tsp of aloe vera gel
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil


Pop open the capsule and extract the oil, mix it with the aloe vera gel until you get the serum-like consistency. 

Massage this serum gently on your eye area with your ring finger for 3 to 5 minutes before going to sleep or you can massage it all over your face to get rid of the dry skin


It helps to moisturize and hydrate the soft tissues and gradually fades away darkness, puffiness, and wrinkles around your eyes. 

It gives extra glow and softness to the skin and makes it supple, smooth and youthful.

You can store this mixture at room temperature for 15 to 20 days.

2. To stimulate hair growth:


  • 1tbs of coconut oil
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil


Cut the capsule open and squeeze the content into the coconut oil, mix both the ingredients thoroughly. 

Slightly warm this mixture using double boiler method. Massage this oil on the scalp very gently with your fingertips and then apply it on the lengths of your hair. 

Leave it for overnight or for at least 1 hour and wash it off with your regular shampoo.


Treats dry scalp, reduces dandruff, moisturises the dry hair, strengthen the roots, reduces hair loss, makes hair thicker, stronger and lustrous. 

Use this oil twice in a week for best results.

3. To moisturize the face and body:


  • 1tsp of almond oil
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil


Prick the capsule open and squeeze the oil, mix it with the almond oil until it blends completely.
Massage this oil on your face and body after taking a shower, and also before going to bed. 

That means you have to use it twice in a day.


This oil helps to lighten the blemishes, dark patches, scars and impart a healthy, glowing and spotless skin. 

This oil also helps to fade away dark circles and signs of ageing.

 You can store this oil at room temperature for 15 to 20 days.

4. To soften the lips:


  • 1/2tsp of honey
  • 5 to 6 drops of lemon juice
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil


Poke the capsule open and extract the oil, mix it with the other two ingredients thoroughly to make a smooth serum.

 Apply this serum on your lips with your fingertips and leave it for overnight.


It helps to lighten dark lips and makes them supple and toned. 

Applying this mixture regularly will improve to soften dry, flaky and patchy lips, by making them soft, plump and pinkish.

 You can store this at room temperature for 10 to 15 days.

5. To Treat the nails:


  • 1/2tsp of lime juice
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E oil


Cut the capsule open and squeeze the oil, into that add the lime juice and mix well. Massage it on your clean nails for 2 to 3 minutes and then leave it for overnight or at least for 2 to 3 hours, then wash it off with warm water.


This helps to strengthen the nail enamel, prevents premature breakage, rejuvenates dry and dull nails and also helps to grow nail faster.

You can follow these steps on regular basis to improve your overall beauty.

I hope you find it useful.

Meet u all on my next blog.

Click the links below to buy the capsules


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