Top 5 most common hair problems and its solutions

Hair care:

Are you suffering from hair problems like hair fall, dandruff, premature greying, frizzy hair, split ends etc...want to get rid of them so badly? 

Then this blog will be extremely useful for you to overcome those problems.

Hair is made up of keratin which is produced in the hair follicles present in the outer layers of the skin. 

New hair cells are made and the older cells are pushed out of the surface causing hair growth.

Even though markets are flooded with various products that promise faster hair growth or restoration, they can help only to a certain extent, however, 
natural remedies can help you to a great extent by feeding your hair with all the lost nutrients, sorting hair problems and triggering hair growth.

Good hair is always an obsession with any gender. 

This blog gives the answer for your constant search for simple and easy to follow hair growth tips and remedies which can be followed right from home.
 Let us see the causes of hair problems and its solutions,

1. Frizzy and dry hair:

Frizz occurs when the cuticle layer of the hair is raised, allowing moisture to pass through and sweel the strands. As a result, the hair tends to have more frizz because of dehydration in the strands.

This home remedy recovers your hair from frizz and makes it more manageable.


  • 2 bananas
  • 2tbs honey
  • 2tbs coconut oil


Mash the ripped bananas into a smooth paste without any chunks, add the other two ingredients and mix well.

Apply this mixture to your scalp and the lengths of your hair.

 Leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour and wash it off using a mild shampoo followed by a conditioner. 

Use it for weekly twice to get the better results.

2. Dandruff:

Oil from the scalp causes the skin cells to clump together and appear as white flakes called dandruff. It can be caused by a number of things, including dry skin, sensitivity to hair products, some skin conditions or even the overgrowth of yeast on the scalp.


  • 4 green tea bags
  • 200 ml of hot water
  • 5tbs apple cider vinegar


Soak the tea bags in the hot water for 20 minutes until the water gets infused with all the goodness of the tea. 

Now, mix the apple cider vinegar to it. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle for easy application. 

Spray it all over your scalp and wash it off after 30 minutes.

 Since it is a powerful remedy you can get relief after 2 washes.

3. Hairfall:

Hairfall is the most common problem for both the genders. It occurs due to the physical or emotional stress, lack of proteins, heredity, hormonal changes, anaemia and so on. 

This remedy not only controls hair fall but also tends to boost the hair follicles to grow fast.


  • 1 egg
  • 1tbs musted oil
  • 1tsp onion juice
  • 1tsp honey


Mix everything thoroughly, the consistency of this mixture will be thin and watery. 

Apply it to the roots and lengths of the hair. 

Gently massage it with your fingertips for 2 to 3 minutes. 

Cover your head with a shower cap, leave it for 1hour and then wash it off with your regular shampoo.

4. Premature greying:

This problem is largely genetic. Hair follicles contain pigments cells that produce melanin, which gives your tresses their colour. When your body stops generating melanin, hair presents itself as grey, white or silver.


  • 1 whole aloe vera leaf
  • 200 ml of virgin coconut oil


Chop and grind the whole aloe vera leaf into a paste along with its skin.

 Now, mix it with the coconut oil and bring to boil until the residue gets separated with a golden colour.

Put off the flame and let it cool down to room temperature. 

Filter the oil and store it in an airtight bottle up to 6 months.

Take a required quantity of this oil and apply it all over your scalp and lengths of your hair.

 Leave it for 1 hour and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

5. Split ends:

Split ends happen due to the lack of nourishment and extreme dryness in hair lengths, without a proper care this problem leads to hair fall. Unfortunately, it can be fixed only by trimming the ends.

But you can maintain the hair from not getting it again by deeply conditioning it.


  • 2tbs fresh cream
  • 1tbs olive oil
  • 1tsp honey


Whip everything nicely to get a creamy consistency. 

Slather it all over your hair and wash it off after 1 hour with your regular shampoo. 

This cream is a yummy hair food which feeds your hair and makes it soft, shiny, healthy and well moisturized.

 Use this twice in a week for better results.

Home remedies are excellent and do not have any side effects. 

You can look young, vibrant and desirable again by following these simple, yet effective DIYs. 

They will not cost you a bomb and will make you feel good about yourself.


  • Always use a wide-tooth comb
  • Blow dry your hair in the right way
  • Get regular trimming 
  • Go gentle while detangling
  • Do not comb the wet hair


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