
Showing posts from 2018

English language as a tool for success in engineering

Introduction                                  As communication is one of the universal traits of human beings, it is almost impossible for any human beings to survive in this complex world without it. Undoubtedly, communication enables the participants to share their experiences and feelings with each other. Language is the most common means of human communication. People in different communities with professions use different varieties of languages according to their community, culture and the nature of their profession. Engineering, which has an international link, needs a language that has a global access. In the present day world of globalization, English which serves as a primary/ popular global language can be the only convenient means of professional communication for engineering professionals.  Most...

How to build self-confidence

Self-confidence is a personal journey. Well!! we all gonna takes different paths but ultimately we all on the same road and doing this together.  The word confidence is derived from Latin, it means (with faith) in an ability in someone or yourself. There are many right and wrong ways to build self-confidence because right or wrong is objective, everyone is on a different path. The tips I'm giving you guys are universal it's going to help jump-start your journey. Unwind your negativity: That confidence is like a mental muscle, like a muscle, everyone is borns with, but not everyone flexes it. If you want to grow your muscles stronger you got to exercise. So here are my exercising tips,  Consciously think positive thoughts especially during moments when you are felling down.  Take a deep breath and remind yourself that life is too short and got to make best of it. Listen to music that will lift your mood. A good beat and sound have been proven to...

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The room was very calm. Except the screeching noise of an old fan, a dreadful silence prevailed. Ragu lying in his bed staring the fan scrolling. His body constantly feeling a pain in the stomach, he doesn't bother it since he used to it. His mind and soul were filled with memories of his past. He thought about his unrevealed love with Meena. Meena 20 years old, angle. She is a tan, beautiful lady with a sharp nose and shaped jawline which are perfect enough for him to fall for her on first sight.  The day since his family moved to her neighbourhood, he developed feelings for her. That day she was standing on the balcony in her baby yellow saree, neatly pinned. Her wavy hair left loose in a careless manner which covers half of her broad forehead. Watching them moving their things... suddenly her gaze went on him, she caught him staring at her. Their eyes locked for a moment and then released after.  They never talked to each other, but they relish the feeling goi...